
Add Nvidia Jetson Xavier GPU to netdata dashboard

Primary LanguagePython


This plugin inspired from nvidia-smi plugin. Add Nvidia Jetson Xavier GPU to netdata dashboard

How to install

  1. Copy tegrastat.chart.py file to the python.d location (/usr/libexec/netdata/python.d)
  2. Copy tegrastat.conf file to /etc/netdata/python.d/ location.
  3. Edit python.d.conf file ( located at /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/python.d.conf) and add tegrastat: yes under nvidia-smi
  4. Restart your netdata ( systemctl restart netdata )

Things to do:

  • Check fan RPM - For now the file want root permissons
  • Add gpu usage gauge to dashboard_info.js