
This workflow ping the Google's imap server first. If the server is the alive, then the operator connects to a user's gmail account to retrieve messages flagged by Google as spam messages and non-spam messages.

Next it passes the retrieved messages to a trained Naive Bayes model for spam classification.


Execute the following command to install necessary packages as shown below:

pip install -r requirements.txt  

Start Apache-Airflow Server

Run the following command to initialize the database, create a user, start the web server as well as the scheduler:

airflow db init 
airflow users create --username admin --firstname mike --lastname michael --role Admin --email 
airflow scheduler 

Task For Gmail-Spam-Workflow

  • ping_imap_server:

    The `ping_imap_server` task is to ping the imap server to check whether it is alive or not.    
  • get_recent_spam:

    The `get_recent_spam` task is to login and retrieve recent spam and non-spam messages from a user's gmail account 
  • naive_classifier:

    The `native-classifier` task takes a spam or non-spam message as input and display whether the message is spam or not.