
PeerCC application for browser based WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sample that uses ORTC and WebRTC to make a audio/video call between two peers
Live sample: webrtcpeer.com

Getting Started

This is a sample that you can use to make video call with someone, directly, peer to peer, for that you will need a working camera and microphone. This sample can run in dual mode eg. if your browser supports both ORTC and WebRTC you can use eather of them. If both you and the peer you are calling support dual mode, your calls will be made using ORTC, otherwise if the browser you or the peer are using supports only one technology (assuming you both support the same one), that technology will be used. WebRTC is implemented using the adapter


To make the sample work you will need the following:
Latest Version of browsers.

Browsers currently supporting WebRTC: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera

Browsers currently supporting ORTC: Edge

To run localy you will need Visual Studio 2015 or newer.


  1. Open the project as Web Site in Visual Studio (File->Open->Web Site...)
  2. Select the project folder (PeerCC-Browser) and click Open
  3. If you want to run localy you set the proxy variable to false (js/signallingchannel.js line:4)
  4. Select the browser you wish to use and run the project
  5. Use browser console to debug

How to use

  1. Connect to the server using the connect button.
  2. When you connect, contacts sidebar will show up that shows other users currently connected to the server (it can be hidden and shown by clicking the contact button next to the sidebar).
  3. If you wish to share camera to the other peer select Webcam radio button, if you wish to screen share to the other peer select Screen radio button.
  4. Select the contact you wish to make a call with, and click the green phone icon to initiate the call.
  5. You can now mute and unmute audio and video with the buttons next to the phone icon.
  6. When you wish to end the call click the red phone icon.
  7. Click the disconnect button to disconnect from the server before exiting.
Screen share

Screen share is currently supported on:
Edge - Pc version
Firefox - Pc version
Chrome - Desktop version (See description below on how to enable)
Chrome - Android version (See description below on how to enable)
To enable screen share on Chrome - Android, you will need to go to the page chrome://flags and there you will need to enable Experimental ScreenCapture flag. As soon as you enable the flag RELAUNCH NOW button will show up, click on it and after the Chrome restarts itself you should be able to use the screen share option of this app.
To enable screen share on Chrome - Desktop before starting Chrome, right click on the Chrome icon and go to properties, there you should be able to see input field called target, at the end of that field append the following command --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing then click OK and run Chrome, You should now be able to screen share from Chrome.


By clicking the cogs button on the right side, you can show and hide the options. Server address and server port are used to connect to the signaling server While disconnected from the server, you can change the name, uncheck the trickle ice checkbox if you want to send candidates trough sdp only (Only works with WebRtc). While not in a call, you can choose the resolution you want your video to be displayed at. You can choose to use either ORTC or WebRTC on browsers that support both technologies. You can choose video and audio codecs, if "Default" is selected codecs will not be changed, codecs can't be chosen after the call has already been made.