Amador Demo App

Getting Started

Use a programming language/multiple programming languages of choice.

Feel free to experiment in js framework: svelte

Preferred: Python, R (Shiny: Using Rhino framework)

Set this up however you feel comfortable. As long as the requirements of this app are met, the approach does not matter and we will optimize later.


  1. Create a front end that allows users to upload data in (.csv) format: use iris, mtcars, diamonds as toy datasets.
  2. Link the back end database (Mongo/Arango) to the front end UI.
    • E.g., once dataset is uploaded, it is stored in the database.
  3. Render the dataset that is uploaded to the UI.
  4. Create multiple buttons for the UI that manipulate data: Examples: “Delete Column”, “Add Column”, “Remove Row”, “Sum Column”.
    • May need to rely on data manipulation packages here: pandas, dplyr, etc…
  5. Create query streams from these buttons that are compatible with database of choice and that are reactive at the click
    • E.g., the buttons automatically create a query stream and performs the action in real time on the dataset that is rendered to the UI.
  6. You may have to setup your own MongoDB/ArangoDB instance, or use one and share it. This may require some configuration on your end. If this is taking too long – feel free to use a public test instance:
    url ="mongodb+srv://"
  7. This will take some working through.
  8. Get creative.
  9. Don't worry.
  10. Use intuition and be as simple as possible.
