This extension adds several features that make working with Rojo projects in VS Code less reliant on understanding the metadata model of Rojo. It works only with files in the Workspace so does not depend on the Rojo server running a project and does not depend on Roblox Studio being connected.
Rojo Tools adds the following features to VS Code:
A new Rojo Tools menu will appear when you show the context menu in the built in Explorer window. Selecting Rojo Tools in the menu will display a list of commands that are relevant to the selected resource (folder or file)
This is available whenever a folder is the current context in the Explorer Window. It can be executed via the Rojo Tools context menu or from the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) as Rojo Tools: Add Model.
The command prompts for a name via the built in Quick Input bar then creates a new folder below the current folder using the name provided and adds the appropriate init.meta.json file that defines the folder as a Model
This is available whenever a folder is the current context in the Explorer Window. It can be executed via the Rojo Tools context menu or from the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) as Rojo Tools: Add Part.
The command prompts for a name via the built in Quick Input bar then creates a new folder below the current folder using the name provided and adds the appropriate init.meta.json file that defines the folder as a Part
This is available whenever a folder is the current context in the Explorer Window. It can be executed via the Rojo Tools context menu or from the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) as Rojo Tools: Convert to Model.
The command adds the appropriate init.meta.json file that defines the folder as a Model
This is available whenever a folder is the current context in the Explorer Window. It can be executed via the Rojo Tools context menu or from the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) as Rojo Tools: Convert to Part.
The command adds the appropriate init.meta.json file that defines the folder as a Part
This is available whenever a folder is the current context in the Explorer Window. It can be executed via the Rojo Tools context menu or from the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) as Rojo Tools: Convert to Script.
The command prompts the type of script to conver to via the built in Quick Pick list offering two options Client or Server
The command adds the appropriate init.meta.json file that prevents Rojo from deleting unknown children of the script The command adds either a init.client.lua or init.server.lua file depending on the response to the prompt mentioned above.
Rojo Tools has no dependencies although it won't be much use if you are not using Rojo
None at this point.
Changes are documented in CHANGELOG
Bear in mind that this extension (at least in it's initial state) is built to suit the way I work. If you have any suggestions for improvement or find any issues please log an issue via the GitHub Issues page for the extension.