
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

My version of Robert's Emacs Setup

Before doing anything

If you have an emacs installation, remove the .emacs.d directory from your home

If not, install emacs

Clone this directory into your home

Getting Extra bits

Download and install Fira Code fonts (https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode)

Download and install Input Fonts (http://input.fontbureau.com/download/)

Finish Off

Start up emacs and let it download everything

Exit emacs and go in again

Other stuff

Cider/lein issue

If you get a Cider message - 'lein executable is not on your 'exec-path':

Add (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/bin"))) to 'init.el', assuming that's where leiningen is.

Some settings

To save your session: M-x desktop-save

For this to be automatic, add (desktop-save-mode 1) to your init.el file

To change the default font size:

  • options->set default font.... (I use 12)

  • options->save defaults

Most Used commands and things to learn

File, window and project management - All commands are on the tools->projectile menu

Magit - download cheat sheet and start using it

Paredit and structural editing - the most used commands are on the Emacs/Clojure menu, but it's worth downloading a cheatsheet to learn others as well