ESP32 E-Ink Developement Board

This design was an experiment using an E-Ink display. It can be powered off of a battery or USB cable. If a battery and USB cable are pluggin it together then it will charge the battery.

This latest board revision has a number of ESP32 pins swapped around making it compatable with the gxEPD library.

The programmer board is located at:

The enclosure designed in Fusion360 is located here:

Special thanks to: Drew at OSH Park for supplying the PCB and Jean-Marc Zingg for the library. The project started out using the Waveshare library that was difficult to use. The gxEPD library is much better.

The Sleep test code right now does a hardware test verifying the display, sensors and ESP32 are functional are functional. If you manage to create something of your own I would love to see it by reaching me at @mikerankin


