Hardware for the Shot Core On Camera Remote (AKA Mini Slater)

by Charles Forman

©2020 Wonder Unit, Inc. https://wonderunit.com

Official page and project details is at: https://github.com/wonderunit/storyboarder/wiki/Shot-Core-On-Camera-Remote

This is a small remote control that mounts on a camera rig. It communicates with a remote system over wifi. The remote has 3-5 buttons: Record, Next Shot, Previous Shot, and Impromptu Shot, and Star. The display shows three main pieces of information: Current Scene, Shot, and Take number. It could also show recording status, and errors that the remote system is alerting.

Schematics, Altium Design files, gerber files and test code is all open source and available on this site.




assembled_back_2 display_1 display_2 esp_2