
Primary LanguageJava



Endpoint Summary



Swagger API Documentation
Swagger JSON
Swagger yml


H2 Console

HTML pages

Message Upload Example

Curl examples

# generate 10 messages
curl http://user1:password1@localhost:18090/generate/10

# list all mesaages
curl -s http://user1:password1@localhost:18090/messages | jq .

# get an array of all message ids
ids=( $(curl -s  -H "Accept: application/json" http://user1:password1@localhost:18090/chat1/messages | jq -r '.content[]|select(.attachmentInfo) | .id') )

# get an attachment
curl http://user1:password1@localhost:18090/chat1/messages/${ids[0]}/attachment

# Send and trace message using built-in tcp tunnel on port 18092
echo "{\"firstName\":\"John\",\"lastName\":\"Doe\"}" | gzip | \
    curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -F 'messageDraft={"recipientId":"user","text":"Hello from user","externalUri":"string"};type=application/json' \
    -F "file=@-;filename=file.json.gz" -u user1:password1 \

# Send and trace message using curl trace
curl -X POST ... --trace-ascii - "http://localhost:18090/messages"
# Send and trace message using online service    
curl -X POST .... https://httpbin.org/post

# Send and trace message using netcat
nc -l 18080 &
curl -X POST ... "http://user1:password1@localhost:18080/messages"