Attempt to make the latest Material Icons SVG designs available in typescript.
Google Material Icons are released under APL-2.0
npm i --save
There are two ways to include the icons. One is via the curly braces and one without. Both have different results when packing your app with Webpack or Angular respectively. The curly brackets offer you a good amount of code completion and add to code readability. The downside of them is that the packaging code will generate one asset in your distribution for each icon of the selected style. This will have no impact to the loading speed but will generate unnecessary assets. Maybe there will be asset tree shaking in the future - one is allowed to dream.
The direct import on the other hand give you the possibility to streamline your code, to only add what you really want to add. Your asset folder will contain the imported files only.
In order for this package to work it is necessary to import the necessary typings
import 'ts-material-icons-svg';
Once you have imported this you can also import svg from other sources and use them the same way as you would use the Material Icons included in this package. Like so:
import icon_wrench from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/svgs/regular/wrench.svg';
To include one icon of a whole set you can simply
import anyIconURL from 'ts-material-icons-svg/{style}/{iconname}.svg;
Depending on your project settings it might be necessary to change that syntax to
import * as anyIconURL from 'ts-material-icons-svg/{style}/{iconname}.svg;
import icon_edit from 'ts-material-icons-svg/svg/baseline/edit.svg';
import icon_edit from 'ts-material-icons-svg/svg/outline/edit.svg';
import icon_edit from 'ts-material-icons-svg/svg/sharp/edit.svg';
import icon_edit from 'ts-material-icons-svg/svg/round/edit.svg';
import icon_edit from 'ts-material-icons-svg/svg/twotone/edit.svg';
The names of the icons correspond to the official icon names by Google (see here: Since some of their names are reserved words, like delete, each icon's name is prefixed with "icon_".
Simply import the needed icons into the MatIconRegistry.
Example app.module
// your imports go here
import {MatIconRegistry} from "@angular/material";
import 'ts-material-icons-svg'; // this import is for typing purposes only
import {
} from 'ts-material-icons-svg/dist/outline';
const iconsToImport = [
{name: 'more_vert', url: icon_more_vert},
{name: 'edit', url: icon_edit},
{name: 'check', url: icon_check},
{name: 'menu', url: icon_menu},
{name: 'remove_circle', url: icon_remove_circle},
{name: 'question_answer', url: icon_question_answer},
{name: 'info', url: icon_info},
{name: 'play_circle_filled', url: icon_play_circle_filled},
{name: 'search', url: icon_search},
{name: 'save', url: icon_save},
{name: 'add', url: icon_add},
{name: 'arrow_drop_down', url: icon_arrow_drop_down},
{name: 'keyboard_arrow_left', url: icon_keyboard_arrow_left},
{name: 'keyboard_arrow_right', url: icon_keyboard_arrow_right},
{name: 'undo', url: icon_undo},
{name: 'verified_user', url: icon_verified_user},
{name: 'edit', url: icon_edit},
{name: 'lock', url: icon_lock},
declarations: [
imports: [
// ... your stuff comes here
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
constructor(private matIconRegistry: MatIconRegistry, private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer) {
// the loop is for simplification only. No one wants to type all of that
icon => matIconRegistry.addSvgIcon(,
<mat-icon svgIcon="keyboard_arrow_right"></mat-icon>
If you are using Jest for your testing it might be necessary to make the following
changes to your jest.config.js
module.exports = {
moduleNameMapper: {
'\\.svg$': '<rootDir>/../../test/mock/ts-material-icon-svg.mock.js'
Then you only need to provide a ts-material-icon-svg.mock.js
that you are referring
module.exports = 'icon.svg';
Added documentation for Jest setup (according to issue #1).
Added alternative possibility to import via import * as ... from
statement (according to issue #1).
improved help in
repaired following icons - only black boxes before
- Outline airplay
- Outline fast_forward
- Outline forward_10
- Outline mic
- Outline pause_circle_filled
- Outline queue_music
- Outline replay
- Outline surround_sound
- Outline web
- Round star
- Sharp airplay
- Sharp fast_forward
- Sharp forward_10
- Sharp mic
- Sharp pause_circle_filled
- Sharp queue_music
- Sharp replay
- Sharp surround_sound
- Sharp web
- Twotone airplay
- Twotone fast_forward
- Twotone forward_10
- Twotone mic
- Twotone pause_circle_filled
- Twotone queue_music
- Twotone replay
- Twotone surround_sound
- Twotone web
Some icons are still buggy. But they were already buggy upon download.