
Slackbot for Redmine to add issues and assign them to yourself or others

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Slackbot for Redmine to add issues and assign them to yourself or others


redmine-slackbot is a Slackbot that runs locally on a Redmine server providing access to create, update, list, and close issues from Slack. In addition there is now support for keywords to set estimated time, record time spent, and to change the percent done for issues. Another new feature is a daily scrum generator organizing open issues with time and percent done information.

The motivation to build this bot was to more easily access and track issues with Redmine and not have to be on VPN to do so. Since the Slackbot runs locally on the Redmine server it reaches out to Slack and listens for incoming messages removing the need for a VPN connection.


pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install slackclient
pip install python-redmine



  1. Create a bot named @redminebot and save the API token

export BOT_TOKEN="<slack api token>"

  1. Run the following Python script to get the bot's user ID for BOT_ID

python print_bot_id.py


  1. Get Redmine version from http://redmine/admin/info
  2. Get API key from user profile that has Admin access (may have to enable REST API in Admin if not seen)
  3. Locate the IDs for all issue statuses
  • Go to http://redmine/issue_statuses and click on each status; the number in the URL will be the ID
  • For example: the status ID is 5 from this URL http://redmine/issue_statuses/5/edit
  1. Locate the time activity ID for recording time spent
  • Go to http://redmine/enumerations and select the activity to use for recording time; the number in the URL will be the ID
  • For example: the activity ID is 12 from this URL http://redmine/enumerations/12/edit
  1. Create a project called General or specify another project by its identifier for all new issues to be created in
  • To find an existing project identifier, load the project page and look at the URL; all text to the right of project/ is the identifier
  • For example: the project identifier is general from the URL http://redmine/projects/general
  1. Create a project called 'Top5' or specify another project by its identifier for all Top 5 issues to use
  • NOTE: To allow Top 5 Issues to have subtasks in any project, the settings need to be change in Administration > Settings > Issue tracking and change Allow cross-project subtasks to With all projects
  • The Top 5 Issues are based off of the person who creates them allowing them to be tracked but still assigned to other people
  1. Locate the ID for the tracker to use when creating new issues
  • Go to http://redmine/trackers and click on the tracker you would like to use, the number in the URL will be the ID
  • For example: the tracker Task ID is 2 from this URL http://redmine/trackers/2/edit
  1. Create a new custom query to find watched issues for any user with the following:
  • Name - Your Watched Issues
  • Visible - to any users
  • For all projects - checked
  • Filters
    • Status - open
    • Watcher - is and << me >>
    • Assignee - is not and << me >>
  • Save query
  • Click the link on the right-hand side Your Watched Issues under the section Custom queries, select this link and record the value of query_id for the value of REDMINE_WATCHED_QUERY_ID

Saving config

  1. Copy run.sh.example to run.sh

cp run.sh.example run.sh

  1. Edit run.sh and fill in the following variables for your environment
export REDMINE_HOST="http://localhost"
export REDMINE_VERSION="3.3.1"
export REDMINE_TOKEN="<redmine api token>"
export REDMINE_NEW_ID="1"
export REDMINE_HOLD_ID="7"
export REDMINE_PROJECT="general"
export REDMINE_TOP5_PROJECT="top5"
export BOT_ID="<from print_bot_id.py>"
export BOT_TOKEN="<slack api token>"


bash run.sh

Recommended to use supervisor if you want a long running service that is fault tolerant

Supervisord example conf

command=/opt/redminebot/run.sh    ; the program (relative uses PATH, can take args)
numprocs=1                        ; number of processes copies to start (def 1)
directory=/opt/redminebot         ; directory to cwd to before exec (def no cwd)
autostart=true                    ; start at supervisord start (default: true)
autorestart=true                  ; restart on exit
stopasgroup=true                  ; send stop signal to the UNIX process group (default false)
user=redminebot                   ; setuid to this UNIX account to run the program


For help within Slack use @redminebot help or see Usage Guide


Thanks to https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog/build-first-slack-bot-python.html for the great starting point/guide