
CS-GY 6953 Deep Learning Final Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Transformers for Answering Crossword Clues

This is the codebase for my final project for CS-GY 6953 Deep Learning (Spring 2024 at NYU Tandon School of Engineering).


This codebase implements a transformer model for answering crossword clues. Two models may be created and used: a word model that generates a word in response to a clue, and a letter model that generates a sequence of letters in response to a clue.

A report describing the models, their development, and evaluation is contained in the report/output directory.

The transformer implementation is adapted from https://github.com/chinmayhegde/dl-demos/blob/main/demo07-transformers.ipynb.


Command line interface

Several modules are runnable by invoking python -m <module>. Each provides a help message if the --help option is present.

Data preparation

Create the onemark and charmark datasets for training and evaluating the word and letter models.

$ python -m dlfp.datasets -m create -d onemark
$ python -m dlfp.datasets -m create -d charmark

The datasets are created using benchmark as a source. They are written to the data/datasets directory.


Execute the following commands to train the database.

$ python -m dlfp -m train -d onemark     # train word model
$ python -m dlfp -m train -d charmark    # train letter model

Use the --train-param and --model-param options to set hyperparameters. For example, --train-param lr=0.001 sets the learning rate to 0.001. See the TrainHyperparametry and ModelHyperparametry classes for details on meaning of the hyperparameters. As an example, the final models selected for evaluation in the report may be trained with these commands:

$ python -m dlfp -m train -d onemark -p transformer_dropout_rate=0.0
$ python -m dlfp -m train -d charmark -p emb_size=256

When training is finished, a checkpoint file is written to a directory beneath $PWD/checkpoints. The pathname of this file is necessary for the testing command.


Sequence generation can be an expensive operation, so you may want to create smaller subsets for testing.

# create a 1000-pair subset of the validation set
$ python -m dlfp.datasets -m subset -d onemark --split valid --shuffle 123 --size 1000

This creates a dataset called valid_r123_s1000 in the datasets/onemark directory.

Execute evaluation with the following command:

$ python -m dlfp -m eval -d onemark -e split=valid_r123_s1000 -f $CHECKPOINT_FILE

Replace $CHECKPOINT_FILE with the pathname of the checkpoint file created by the training command.

Other evaluation configuration parameters may be set with the -e or --eval-config option. For example, to define an alternative beam search strategy, use --eval-config max_ranks=5,4,3,2,1.

The evaluation command creates a CSV file that has a row for every clue/answer pair, showing what the top suggested answers were and where the actual answer ranks among the suggestions.


The modules are as follows:

  • dlfp
    • common: methods for general use (e.g. file I/O, timestamps)
    • utils: classes and methods relating to language concepts, e.g. tokenization and vocabularies
    • datasets: classes and methods relating to dataset loading and manipulation
    • models: model and hyperparameter code; this is where the Cruciformer model is defined
    • train: training code
    • translate: sequence generator code (including beam search)
    • running, main: command line interface implementation
    • results: code for analyzing results, e.g. generating accuracy tables from sequence generation CSV files
    • baseline
  • dlfp_tests: unit tests; probably not interesting unless you're really tinkering

Results Visualization

The notebook dlfp/nb/figures.ipynb may be used to generate plots of loss curves and evaluation accuracy. Change the pathnames to refer to wherever your results files are stored.