This is a guide for passing an AMD/NVIDIA GPU to a Windows 10 Guest VM on Linux
- ArbenPIreland
- cdseoo
- cfboss
- davidsmfreireMadeira, Portugal
- DimaZirixTurkey, Istambul
- federicomenoyo
- firashackerPalestine
- GiovanniGriecoPolytechnic University of Bari, Italy
- halfcyan
- hanogluİstanbul
- HurricanePootis
- ixhbinphoenixGermany
- jeduardo
- jjyn
- JosipRehZagreb, Croatia
- Knuds1
- muhammadalkady
- nke680Australia
- oldschoola
- OrdepSaculPortugal
- paultstone
- PavelDobCZ23IceCraft Studio
- pigoil
- rolexlinux
- RoootTheFox<- hous
- rowario
- rwbaumg@x19e
- rycnot
- Shaden420
- sidnvyShanghai
- skyler-shuman
- Spicy-Axolotllocalhost
- TheMuffinMan19
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- zombahEarth