This is a Docker image for Ghost. This image runs with a base of Alpine-Linux making it extremely small, secure and fast.
This image is also available on Docker Hub.
We recommend using our images in conjunction with Docker-Compose. This allows for easier creation of containers with the proper volumes and ports enabled.
We have included an example docker-compose file to show how this image might be used both for development and production in a different project.
This image works out of the box with no volumes. It differs from the official Docker Ghost image by including a config.js file with some env variables defined.
- DEV_DOMAIN = Is the domain that is reachable on your development machine. This is typically your docker-machine host ip
- PROD_DOMAIN = When running this image in production (NODE_ENV=production), this is the domain that is used.
This image also runs with containers. It will accept a volume from your ghost content folder, as well as a custom config.js file. These must point to /var/lib/ghost/ - See the example docker-compose for specification.
DEV_DOMAIN: URL for Ghost Blog running in Development
DEV_FORCE_ADMIN_SSL: Force SSL (secure HTTP or https) for the admin panel in Development
PROD_DOMAIN: URL for Ghost Blog running in Production
PROD_FORCE_ADMIN_SSL: Force SSL (secure HTTP or https) for the admin panel in Production
USE_PROD_ENV: Copy the values of the Production variables to the Development variables (default to false)
PRELOAD_HEADERS: Number of headers to be preloaded (default to 25)
DEV_MAIL_TRANSPORT: Type of Transport used for Development Email
DEV_MAIL_SERVICE: The Service by which email will be sent in Development
DEV_MAIL_HOST: Hostname of the SMTP server (defaults to "localhost", not needed with DEV_MAIL_SERVICE)
DEV_MAIL_NAME: The name of the client server (defaults to machine name)
DEV_MAIL_USER: Username for the Development email service
DEV_MAIL_PASS: Password for the Development email service
DEV_MAIL_FROM: Address which the Development email will be sent from
DEV_MAIL_SECURE_CONNECTION: Use SSL (default is false, not needed with DEV_MAIL_SERVICE)
DEV_MAIL_PORT: Port of the SMTP server (defaults to 25, not needed with DEV_MAIL_SERVICE)
DEV_MAIL_IGNORE_TLS: Ignore server support for STARTTLS (defaults to false)
DEV_MAIL_DEBUG: Output client and server messages to console
PROD_MAIL_TRANSPORT: Type of Transport used for Production Email
PROD_MAIL_SERVICE: The Service by which email will be sent in Production
PROD_MAIL_HOST: Hostname of the SMTP server (defaults to "localhost", not needed with PROD_MAIL_SERVICE)
PROD_MAIL_NAME: The name of the client server (defaults to machine name)
PROD_MAIL_USER: Username for the Production email service
PROD_MAIL_PASS: Password for the Production email service
PROD_MAIL_FROM: Address which the Production email will be sent from
PROD_MAIL_SECURE_CONNECTION: Use SSL (default is false, not needed with PROD_MAIL_SERVICE)
PROD_MAIL_PORT: Port of the SMTP server (defaults to 25, not needed with PROD_MAIL_SERVICE)
PROD_MAIL_IGNORE_TLS: Ignore server support for STARTTLS (defaults to false)
PROD_MAIL_DEBUG: Output client and server messages to console
DEV_DB_CLIENT: Client of the Development database; sqlite3 (default) or mysql
DEV_DB_HOST: Hostname of the Development database server (not needed with sqlite3)
DEV_DB_USER: Username for the Development database (default root, not needed with sqlite3)
DEV_DB_PASS: Password for the Development database (default "blank", not needed with sqlite3)
DEV_DB_NAME: Name of the Development database (default ghost, not needed with sqlite3)
DEV_DB_PORT: Port of the Development database's host (default 3306 for mysql, not needed with sqlite3)
PROD_DB_CLIENT: Client of the Production database; sqlite3 (default) or mysql
PROD_DB_HOST: Hostname of the Production database server (not needed with sqlite3)
PROD_DB_USER: Username for the Production database (default root, not needed with sqlite3)
PROD_DB_PASS: Password for the Production database (default "blank", not needed with sqlite3)
PROD_DB_NAME: Name of the Production database (default ghost, not needed with sqlite3)
PROD_DB_PORT: Port of the Production database's host (default 3306 for mysql, not needed with sqlite3)
To run this container with the predefined defaults:
docker run -p 2368:2368 mike325/alpine-ghost
Now the Ghost container will be available at your.dockermachine.ip:2368.
See the example compose file for specification of including the ENV variables as well as the volumes.
This image has one volume that can be utilized. By connecting a folder with:
You can not only keep your data persistent, but also upload a custom config.js file. In order to do this connect your volume like this:
Don't hesitate to get in contact with either one of us with problems, questions, etc.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Don’t get discouraged! We estimate that the response time from the maintainers is around: 24 hours.
If you discover a security issue in this Docker image, please report it by sending an email to
This will allow us to assess the risk, and make a fix available before we add a bug report to the GitHub repository.
Thanks for helping make this image safe for everyone!
The code is available under the MIT License.