
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

alg-factorial - The classic recurion problem.

Written in Algol 68.

Outputs the factorial of all integers between 0 and the upper limit using resursion.

On VAX/VMS compile and run using:

$ algol factorial
$ link factorial
$ run factorial

 0! := 1
 1! := 1
 2! := 2
 3! := 6
 4! := 24
 5! := 120
 6! := 720
 7! := 5040
 8! := 40320
 9! := 362880
10! := 3628800
11! := 39916800
12! := 479001600
13! := 6227020800
14! := 87178291200
15! := 1307674368000
16! := 20922789888000
17! := 355687428096000
18! := 6402373705728000
19! := 121645100408832000
20! := 2432902008176640000