Beautify css, sass and less code (extension for Visual Studio Code)
Command "beautify.format"
If you beautify other languages the code/text will be beautified to Visual Studio Code's default formatter.
indent_size?: number;
indent_char?: string;
eol?: string;
indent_level?: number;
indent_with_tabs?: boolean;
preserve_newlines?: boolean;
max_preserve_newlines?: number;
jslint_happy?: boolean;
space_after_anon_function?: boolean;
brace_style?: 'collapse-preserve-inline' | 'collapse' | 'expand' | 'end-expand' | 'none';
keep_array_indentation?: boolean;
keep_function_indentation?: boolean;
space_before_conditional?: boolean;
space_in_empty_paren?: boolean;
break_chained_methods?: boolean;
eval_code?: boolean;
unescape_strings?: boolean;
wrap_line_length?: number;
wrap_attributes?: 'auto' | 'force';
wrap_attributes_indent_size?: number;
end_with_newline?: boolean;