
Generate an IPLD Schema template from CSV data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generate an IPLD Schema template from CSV data


csv-ipld-schema-gen [files..]

Generate IPLD Struct from source csv files

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

The resulting IPLD Schema will give you a Struct for every csv file.

The schema should be considered a base template. You will still want to read and edit it as the script leans more towards reserving the original names rather than producing 100% valid IPLD Schema.

  • The struct name will be the filename with dots replaced with _. These should be edited to conform with the standard camelCase style.
  • Values are parsed and simple types are inferred: string, int, float.
  • If any values have a string as well as other types they will be typed as "string" in order to avoid aggressive parsing errors.
  • If a field has instances of null the field will be nullable.
  • If a filed has instances where it is empty the field will be optional.
  • If a field name contains (*string*) it will be parsed as a list value.
    • If all the values found in the field are the same type the schema will contain a typed list definition which the field will be typed as.
    • If the values in the field vary in type it will generate a kinded union for all the observed types.
    • The field, union, and list names will all be the original string (w/ (*string*) intact) so this won't actually be a valid parsable schema.