
Decentralized key-value store running on IPFS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DKV (Decentralized Key-Value Store)

DKV is a decentralized graph store built on IPFS.

import IPFS from 'ipfs'
import DKV from 'dkv'

const ipfs = await IPFS.create()

let store = await DKV.empty(ipfs)
store = await store.set('mykey', { hello: 'world' })

store.id // 'bafyreibbbjhk7fnxplcc6fqb24jctxffgxoqv65466gbx73n3jbqyzn3ru'
await store.get('mykey') // { hello: 'world' }

Every mutation (set(), del()) returns a new instance because every mutation creates a new immutable state with a unique id (CID).

Since the data is accessible over IPFS it is shared in a p2p network and other peers can access the data using the id of the store (store.id).

let store = DKV.from(ipfs, 'bafyreibbbjhk7fnxplcc6fqb24jctxffgxoqv65466gbx73n3jbqyzn3ru')


DKV offers a simple interface for storing key/value pairs. Values can include links to other values recursively, giving you the ability to create complex graphs that de-duplicate commonly linked data.

let store = await DKV.empty(ipfs)
const pizza = await store.link({ type: 'food', name: 'pizza' })
store = await store.set('bob', { type: 'person', name: 'bob', favoriteFoor: pizza })

const bob = await store.get('bob')
await bob.favoriteFood() // { type: 'food', name: 'pizza' }


DKV.empty(ipfs, pin=true)

DKV.from(ipfs, cid, pin=true)

DKV.fromEntries(ipfs, entries, pin=true)


store.set(key, value)


