
Next Generation Decentralized Database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A next generation decentralized database.

In matrika, databases and indexes are merkle graphs (DAGs) implemented on Prolly Trees (Probablistic B-Trees) in IPLD.

Data is written to CAR files that are pushed to web3.storage and made available in IPFS. Optionally, these CAR files could be written to other IPFS nodes and Filecoin.


The main interface at this time is the CLI. Commands are namespaced into the following categories:

  • kv

Key Value Store

The key value store is an append only log of changes to a map (implemented as a prolly tree).

It is an efficient key value store that scales to an indefinite size. Concurrent changes between different actors can be reconciled and most conflicts automatically resolved.

cli.js <command>

  cli.js kv-create <json>           Create new database from JSON string map
  cli.js kv-ls [start] [end]        List the keys in a database
  cli.js kv-get <key>               Read single key
  cli.js kv-set <key> <value-json>  Write single key

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]