
Next.js + Adonis.js Full Typescript Starter Template


Welcome to this starter project that uses Next.JS and Adonis.JS v5

it demos a basic setup on which the typescript types are shared between the frontend and the backend. You can still however deploy the Next.js and the Adonis.js as separate apps on different providers. (i.e: Vercel and Heroku respectively)


  1. open a terminal and cd into the projects' root directory directory and run
  1. open a terminal and run
yarn build-watch
  1. open a second terminal and run
yarn start-server

The Next.js frontend will be running at localhost:3000

First time DB setup

  1. Open packages/backend/.env and set the PG_USER, PG_PASSWORD and PG_DB_NAME env vars.

  2. cd into packages/backend/ and run the migrations with node ace migration:run


To deploy the backend run the ./ file and deploy the generated deploy folder to a service like Heroku.