
An extension to insert a breakpoint debugger based on your current file extension

Primary LanguageVim Script


A VIM plugin to insert or remove a breakpoint debugger based on your current file extension.

vim-infer-debugger works by taking a set of defined file extensions and their corresponding debuggers, and then selects the correct debugger based on the file you're in. It comes with a set of defaults:

  let g:debugger_dictionary = {
        \ '\.rb':             'require "pry"; binding.pry',
        \ '\.rake':           'require "pry"; binding.pry',
        \ '\.ex$':            'require IEx; IEx.pry',
        \ '\.exs':            'require IEx; IEx.pry',
        \ '\.erb':            '<% require "pry"; binding.pry %>',
        \ '\.haml':           '- require "pry"; binding.pry',
        \ '\.eex':            '<%= require IEx; IEx.pry %>',
        \ '\.coffee$':        'debugger',
        \ '\.json\.jbuilder': 'require "pry"; binding.pry',
        \ '\.js$':            'debugger;',
        \ '\.jsx$':           'debugger;',
        \ '\.rs$':            'println!("{:?}", );',
        \ '\.py$':            'import pdb; pdb.set_trace()',
        \ }

In order to add your own debuggers, define g:user_debugger_dictionary in your .vimrc. Your settings will be added to the predefined list, or overwrite existing entries. Please note that when defining the regex for the file extension, it is best to wrap it in single quotes. For example, if you wanted to use byebug instead of pry for Ruby files, you could add the following to your configuration file:

let g:user_debugger_dictionary = {
      \ '\.rb': 'byebug',
      \ }


vim-infer-debugger exposes the following functions for your use.


It is recommended that you map them in your .vimrc, for example:

nmap <Leader>P :call AddDebugger("O")<cr>
nmap <Leader>p :call AddDebugger("o")<cr>
nmap <Leader>d :call RemoveAllDebuggers()<cr>


I recommend using vim-plug to install, just add Plug 'mcasper/vim-infer-debugger' to your .vimrc, run PlugInstall, and you're on your way.

If you have any debugging statements that you think should be the default for a certain file extension, feel free to open a pull request or issue!