A Leaflet tile layer that caches tiles into a PouchDB database in a transparent fashion.
Heavily based on https://github.com/tbicr/OfflineMap
Works with Leaflet 0.7.3 and PouchDB 3.3.1.
To use, simply replace L.tileLayer(url,opts)
with L.tileLayer.pouchDBCached(url,opts)
. Also available for WMS layers: simply replace L.tileLayer.wms(url,opts)
with L.tileLayer.wms.pouchDBCached(url,opts)
PouchDBCached layers accept a maxAge
option: the time (in MILLIseconds) that has to pass in order to consider a cached tile 'dirty' so it will be requested again. By default, the maximum tile age is 24 hours.
It is possible to seed a layer cache. See test.html
for a easy to understand working example. The seeding algorithm is a bit naïve and uses only one concurrent download thread.
Under MIT license.