Sprest is a collection of libaries to make building applications simpler using Spray. Spray provides a general toolkit for building your own web application stack. Sprest builds on top of the toolkit to provide additional (more implementation-specific) libraries to help with building your application's stack.
Required by other sprest libraries. Provides:
- Model and DAO conventions
- REST routing generators
- Security including password salting and session and user traits
Provides Slick DAO implementation.
Provides ReactiveMongo DAO implementation.
Sprest is published to a GitHub-based repository. To use it, add the following resolver:
resolvers += "sprest snapshots" at "http://markschaake.github.com/releases"
Then you can include sprest libraries:
libraryDependencies += "sprest" %% "sprest-core" % "0.3.2"
libraryDependencies += "sprest" %% "sprest-slick" % "0.3.2"
libraryDependencies += "sprest" %% "sprest-reactivemongo" % "0.3.2"
Note: it is unnecessary to explicitly declare the "sprest-core" dependency if you declare a dependency on a library that depends upon the core (such as sprest-slick or sprest-reactivemongo).