
A Docker setup for the book The Art of PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageShell

Docker for TAOP

A basic postgres Docker setup for going through The Art of PostgreSQL by Dimitri Fontaine. It uses the official PostgreSQL 9 (what the book uses) Docker image and comes with pgloader. Data is stored in pgdata as a mounted volume mapped to /var/lib/postgresql/data in the container for persistence.

A .psqlrc file is included, along with three text editors: emacs, nano and vim. You can choose your favorite and set it in the .psqlrc file (the default is nano for the broadest accessibility).


First, build the image and bring the container up.

docker-compose up --build

Next, connect using your postgresql client of choice.


$ docker exec -it artofpostgres bash
> psql


Point your graphical client to postgresql://postgres@

Seeding data

Chinook music database

You can seed the Chinook database used in TAOP using the provided fetch-chinook-data.sh script.

$ docker exec -it artofpostgres fetch-chinook-data.sh

F1DB data

Since the PostgreSQL F1DB dump doesn't work without modification, we keep the import compatible with future versions by importing into MySQL first and then moving the data over to PostgreSQL using pgloader.

$ docker exec -it artofpostgres ./fetch-f1db-data.sh

# PostgreSQL database
$ docker exec -it artofpostgres ./fetch-f1db-data.sh --recreate