
Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


This is a guideline how to compile and use FSSR, the Floating Scale
Surface Reconstruction software accompanying the following paper:

    Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction
    Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele
    In: ACM ToG (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2014).

This software is based on MVE, the Multi-View Environment. See the link below
for details on MVE, and the next section for downloading and building MVE.


Downloading and Building MVE and FSSR

MVE requires libjpeg, libpng and libtiff as dependencies, which can be obtained
using the package system of your distribution.

The following commands should get you started:

    # Download and compile MVE
    git clone https://github.com/simonfuhrmann/mve.git
    make -j12 -C mve

    # Download and compile FSSR
    git clone https://github.com/simonfuhrmann/fssr.git
    make -j12 -C fssr

The binaries will be located here:


FSSR Input Data

FSSR requires as input a point set which contains several required and
some optional attributes per sample. Currently, only PLY is supported as
input and output format. The attributes are listed below:

    Name           PLY Attribute(s)   Type                 Required?
    3D positions   x, y, z            float 3-vector       required
    normals        nx, ny, nz         float 3-vector       required
    scale values   value              single float value   required
    confidence     confidence         single float value   optional
    color          red, green, blue   uchar 3-vector       optional

A typical PLY file header looks like this:

    format binary_little_endian 1.0
    element vertex 36228
    property float x
    property float y
    property float z
    property float nx
    property float ny
    property float nz
    property uchar red
    property uchar green
    property uchar blue
    property float confidence
    property float value

If you are using MVE and want to create a surface from a set of depth maps,
you can use the 'scene2pset' tool, which is included in the MVE distribution.

    Usage: scene2pset [ OPTS ] SCENE_DIR MESH_OUT

Make sure to specify the parameter --fssr=N which selects the correct depth
map and image at scale N, and includes normals, scale and confidences.

Running FSSR

First, the implicit function defined by the input samples is evaluated
and the isosurface is extracted. This is done with the 'fssrecon' tool.

    Usage: fssrecon [ OPTS ] IN_PLY [ IN_PLY ... ] OUT_PLY

It takes one or more PLY files as input (connectivity information is ignored)
and samples the implicit function over an octree hierarchy. The isosurface
is extracted and stored in a PLY mesh.

Second, the resulting mesh may contain low-confidence vertices, many small
isolated components, and degenerated triangles from the isosurfacing. The
resulting mesh should be cleaned with the 'meshclean' tool.

    Usage: meshclean [ OPTS ] IN_PLY OUT_PLY

The tool takes as input a mesh, and produces a cleaned output mesh. Several
options can control the resulting mesh. See the tools output for details.

Trouble? Contact!

Contact information can be found on the FSSR and MVE websites.