Manage tenants and their settings in Laravel Nova.
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- Laravel 8.* (
- Laravel Nova 3.* (
- Laravel Tenancy 5.7.* (
composer require "genealabs/nova-multi-tenant-manager:*"
- Add the tool to your
:public function tools() { return [ // ... new GeneaLabs\NovaMultiTenantManager\NovaMultiTenantManager, // ... ]; }
- Configurable settings fields (implemented, needs documentation).
- Automatic integration with
. - Extendible classes to allow custom integration with 3rd-party packages.
- Integrate CLI commands into tenancy namespace.
- Add unit tests.
Creates a tenant with the provided domain name.
php artisan tenant:create <name> <domain>
Creates an alias for an existing tenant with the provided domain name.
php artisan tenant:alias <domain> <alias>
Deletes tenant by the provided domain, or delete all tenants.
php artisan tenant:delete <domain>
php artisan tenant:delete --all