
Primary LanguageJavaScript


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This is a node module for uploading assets to S3 in an ordered way.



You have a single page application and it looks something like:

├── asset-manifest.json
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── main.abc123.js
├── manifest.json
├── service-worker.js
├── static
│   ├── fonts
│   │   ├── font.123.ttf
│   │   └── font.abc.woff2
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── img.z9000.jpeg
│   │   └── img.zyx.gif
│   ├── js
│   │   └── js.101010.js
│   └── media
│       ├── song.xyz1.mp3
│       └── video.abc101.mp4
└── subdir
    └── index.html

Great, let's just copy it with a command like aws s3 sync right?

Well - not so fast! We probably want to upload the hashed assets first and then the html files. It wouldn't be nice for our users to load the new index.html and then end up requesting a bundle that wasn't uploaded yet.

s3-xfer is a wrapper around the AWS SDK's S3 ManagedUpload. Pass it a config and it will do the rest.


Code examples available in example.

var xfer = require('s3-xfer');
var xferConfigs = require('./xferConfigs');

var workerConfig = {
  s3ClientPath: '/local/myS3Client.js'

xfer(xferConfigs, workerConfig);

// Output:
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/main.abc123.js to s3/test/main.abc123.js
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/images/img.zyx.gif to s3/test/static/images/img.zyx.gif
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/fonts/font.abc.woff2 to s3/test/static/fonts/font.abc.woff2
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/media/song.xyz1.mp3 to s3/test/static/media/song.xyz1.mp3
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/fonts/font.123.ttf to s3/test/static/fonts/font.123.ttf
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/js/js.101010.js to s3/test/static/js/js.101010.js
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/images/img.z9000.jpeg to s3/test/static/images/img.z9000.jpeg
//  [General Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/static/media/video.abc101.mp4 to s3/test/static/media/video.abc101.mp4
//  [Fixed Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/asset-manifest.json to s3/test/asset-manifest.json
//  [Fixed Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/favicon.ico to s3/test/favicon.ico
//  [Fixed Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/manifest.json to s3/test/manifest.json
//  [Fixed Assets]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/service-worker.js to s3/test/service-worker.js
//  [HTML]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/index.html to s3/test/index.html
//  [HTML]: /example/s3-xfer/test/sample/build/subdir/index.html to s3/test/subdir/index.html
  • xferConfigs: Array, an array that describes a list of s3-xfer configs. See Configuration for more details.
  • workerConfig: Object - optional, a object with the following attributes:
    • aws: Object - conditional, a object for configuring the initialization of the S3 client. Must be defined or s3ClientPath.
    • s3ClientPath: String - conditional, the absolute path to a node module that exports a s3 client. Must be defined or aws.
  • cb: function - optional, a callback function that will get called when all uploads are completed.


A typical configuration might look like the following:

// s3.xfer.config.js

var path = require('path');

module.exports = [
    name: 'General Assets',
    glob: {
      nodir: true,
      allowEmpty: true,
      ignore: [
    path: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'sample', 'build'),
    matcher: '**/*',
    s3: {
      Bucket: 'test'
    name: 'Fixed Assets',
    glob: {
      nodir: true,
      allowEmpty: true
    path: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'sample', 'build'),
    s3: {
      Bucket: 'test'
    name: 'HTML',
    glob: {
      nodir: true,
      allowEmpty: true
    path: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'sample', 'build'),
    matcher: '**/*.html',
    s3: {
      Bucket: 'test'

The filepaths for General Assets will be retrieved, then uploaded. After it is completed, it will proceed to the next configuration for Fixed Assets. Finally HTML is uploaded last.

A configuration is composed of:

  • name: String, user readable identifier for the configuration.
  • glob: Object, a configuration object that is passed to glob.
  • path: String, path to the target folder to upload files from.
  • matcher: String, the glob to append to the path that is passed to glob.
  • s3: Object, a object that is merged with other params to the s3 upload function.
  • s3Prefix: String, gets placed in front of the S3 key.