
RPM Package for xmind

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

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XMind rpm

Unofficial script to create an RPM package for XMind.

How to use

Open a terminal in the project repository and run ./create-package.sh


This rpm package has a lot of advantages over a manual XMind installation:

  • Much easier removal: Run sudo dnf remove xmind and that's it!
  • Sets XMind as the default application for .xmind files.
  • Adds XMind to the applications' list with a nice HD icon
  • Configures XMind properly: The xmind fonts are installed and a configuration directory is created for each user.
  • Tested on Fedora 25 and 26 (may work on other distributions)

More informations

Warning - no accents

The path where you run the script must not contain any special character like é, ü, etc. This is a limitation of the rpm tools.

How to update

When a new version of xmind is released:

  1. Download the updated script from github.
  2. Run the script to get the updated version.


The rpmdevtools package is required to build RPM packages and use the script. If it not installed the script will offer to install it.

Root privileges

Building an RPM package with root privileges is dangerous, see http://serverfault.com/questions/10027/why-is-it-bad-to-build-rpms-as-root.

Download speed

Downloading XMind is notoriously slow because of the XMind's servers, not because of my script.