- 0
Deprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0
#93 opened by Laykou - 1
set full date not work.
#91 opened by RaptorII - 1
And Time ?
#75 opened by Vivien69 - 0
- 2
Add option to change minDate/maxDate dynamically
#47 opened by ReneR97 - 0
Select multiple field ids
#84 opened by Ath1Dev - 0
Use "customWeekDays" for Chinese week days.
#83 opened by wingdragon - 1
Behind the Modal
#81 opened by eevyaj03 - 7
customWeekDays not work
#80 opened by enricodeveloper - 3
Select multiple dates (feature)
#52 opened by louis123562 - 6
Help on display select date in DIV on Modal
#79 opened by stkol76 - 0
Pop-Up Blockers Cause Issues
#77 opened by cmccormick88 - 2
- 1
Awesome Datepicker
#73 opened by 99bits - 0
Problem with disableDates
#70 opened by Thola68 - 3
Allow days to be selected from next month
#40 opened by TFXGroup - 2
- 5
ShadowDOM Support Broken
#41 opened by dartanian300 - 2
disableDates update, bodyType fixed?
#61 opened by ninobang - 1
- 1
Select calendar week
#60 opened by strukturart - 1
How to highlight selected date on the calendar?
#50 opened by A973C - 1
Compare selected date with date today
#58 opened by stkol76 - 1
- 2
- 6
- 3
Change from blur listener to click broke form
#57 opened by rjpedrosa - 1
Theme customization
#54 opened by adriallongarriu - 2
Allow date to be typed in
#55 opened by carloviv15 - 2
- 4
- 2
How to prevent autoclose?
#49 opened by A973C - 2
- 2
error every time setFullDate is called
#42 opened by ashenshugarRET - 4
Custom days error
#39 opened by markovicpetar788 - 5
mc-table__body seems to fill only half of the screen on Chromium based browsers on mobile
#33 opened by bariccattion - 5
#38 opened by SHMSandaruwan - 3
- 20
- 1
autoClose issue
#28 opened by codenester - 2
Stays Open when other inputs are selected
#19 opened by AppJarBiz - 2
- 7
- 3
#22 opened by akstudio - 3
Is it possible to programmatically change the dateFormat of a datepicker instance
#20 opened by ashenshugarRET - 5
Cannot open calendar when DOM ist removed
#15 opened by louis123562 - 1
- 5
(Request) Specific Click Handling
#17 opened by stkol76 - 2
Can this be made to always show with the inline viewer on mobile, with an override option to always show modal?
#12 opened by ashenshugarRET - 2
selectedDate adds +1 to month
#13 opened by ArashYounesi