My notes on how to do stuff in Azure
Start off with a new conda environment
conda create -n azure Python=3.7
conda activate azure
Install the azure cli and log on to the azure account
## This may take a while
pip install azure-cli
## Opens up a browser window where you put your credentials in
az login
Look at available regions
az account list-locations -o table
Create a resource group in one of the regions
az group create --name NAGTraining --location ukwest
List resource groups
az group list -o table
Install the az CLI client on the WSL
Install PowerShell cmdlets
Install cloud-init on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install cloud-init
Sign in to Azure from a PowerShell Session
# Import the module into the PowerShell session
Import-Module AzureRM
# Connect to Azure with an interactive dialog for sign-in
List locations
az account list-locations
Create a resource group
az group create --name myResourceGroupSecureWeb2 --location westus2
List all running VMs
az vm list --show-details --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].{Name:name}" -o table
List them all with their IP address
az vm list --show-details --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].{Name:name,IP:publicIps}" -o table
Delete a VM
az vm delete -g resource_groupname -n VMName --yes