Mike Davis's Portfolio Website 🖳

A Single-Page Scroller Portfolio Site with All the Important Information

"Screenshot of this site"

Inspired by Dopefolio by Ram Maheshwari

When I came across the Dopefolio portfolio template, I plugged in my information to it and decided that I would like to add more features and convert it to React. So, I got started!

The original template was already using SASS, which was new to me. But, I found it pretty intuitive once I spent some time fiddling around with it. Ultimately, it behaves much the same as React does with imports and separation of concerns into components, but with CSS instead.

After reorganizing the SASS files a bit, I moved on to converting the project from HTML to React. My first choice for development server was Vite, since I have ample experience with it and it works lightning-fast.

In addition to converting to React, I also added new sections & features to the portfolio site, the most notable of which are the viewport-based appearance animations, drop-down accordions in the skills section, and the toggle button between long & short versions of my bio.

Also, to play into the dynamic nature of React, I decided to create a couple local database files, exporting those data objects to be imported by the React components in order to populate the webpage more dynamically.

Beyond local files, I also:

  • Fetched blog post data from dev.to
  • Submitted contact form data through emailjs

Lastly, the contact form uses emailjs to submit information to my personal email.

Check out the final product here

To run the repository locally, clone the repository and then run these commands in your terminal

npm install

npm run dev

Then navigate to the correct port in localhost on your browser.