My Developer Dashboard

Q: What is the point of this project? A: To make my day to day life as a developer more productive.

Q: What specific challenge is this trying to solve? A: Every day, I spend time finding work when I finish or get blocked on another task. To find work, I look in these places, roughly in this order: - cries for help in email or instant messenger - errors/failures in the dev cluster - build failures - pull requests (reviewing others and adjusting my own) - current sprint tasks (trying to pull started work to completion if I can, then looking for the next highest priority work that is not yet started - TLDR: kanban) - TODOs documented in source code and in my own TODO list. Looking for work results in my jumping around to many different systems. A unified view of the systems I check would result in less time looking for work, and less chances that I will goe down a rabbit hole on something that isn't top-priority after getting distracted while looking for work.

What systems do I need to integrate with?

  • instant messenger (slack, citadel, etc) - HARD
  • Outlook 365 - HARD
  • Logs in dev cluster - MEDIUM
  • Resource manager in dev cluster - MEDIUM
  • Bamboo API - EASY
    • get my recent builds
    • get failing builds owned by my team
  • Bitbucket API - EASY
    • open pull requests for my team
    • scan source code owned by my team for TODOs
    • current sprint tasks
      • state
      • title
      • description
      • owner
      • relative priority
  • My own TODO list database - EASY-MEDIUM

Technologies I want to use/learn here:

  • react
  • redux
  • react hot reload
  • react dev tools (chrome extension)
  • react unit testing