
Python Tree Shaking

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an experiment (i.e. not a real thing, please don't use) on basic "tree shaking" for packaging Python applications into an archive suitable for AWS Lambda or Cloudflare workers that includes only the exact files needed to run a specific application.

The basic premise is this:

  • sys.settrace records every Python file executed
  • lsof lists every other file accessed, including compiled library .so files.

Combining those two data sources gives us a list of every file actually accessed so we can potentially produce archives that are small enough to be run as cloud functions. Eventually if this worked you'd run this in a Docker image for your target (i.e. lambci/lambda:build-python3.8).


    # blacklist modules and specific file patterns for big things
    runner = PackRunner(

    # start recording traces

    # imports MUST be included inside the block!
    import app
    r = app.do()

    # stop recording data
    # copy the files to a build folder