
Assignment for 2nd years Code Organization. You are supposed to fork this repository, develop your project and submit a pull request.

Primary LanguageC#


Assignment for 2nd years Code Organization Challenge.

How to submit your work for grading

You should fork this repository. Develop your project on your forked version and when you are done you should submit a pull request.

The challenge

The challenge is to develop a framework for a game while prioritising modularity, organization and usability/re-usability of your code.

You should write all the needed classes and create test cases to show your classes actually work as expected.

The context / the game

You can choose one of the 3 contexts:

Escape Room

This should be a system that manages rooms, with sets of puzzles.

  • Each room has puzzles, It should be as easy as possible for a programmer to create/add new puzzles and new rooms and add them to the game.
  • Within a room, puzzles can have dependencies, for example, you can only try puzzle 2 when puzzle one is completed successfully.
  • The puzzles can be anything, including full fledged 2D or 3D mini-games, so each puzzle should load a new scene. When it is completed, it should return to the main room scene exactly as it was when we left it.

Card game

A card game framework, your system should manage multiple decks of custom cards.

  • It should be as easy as possible for a programmer to create/add new cards to the game.
  • There should be a controller that manages how many players there are, which decks they are using, their current hands and who's turn is it.
  • Cards should have a value, a type.
  • Within a deck, cards should be able to be combined with other cards. Combining two cards will generate a new card with the sum of the two values and one of the types chosen randomly.


A system to manage an evoutionary simulation.

  • Little creatures have DNA, Their DNA defines their shape, type and behaviour (How they move through the world and what happens when they meet other creatures).
  • It should be as easy as possible for a programmer to create/add new creatures to the game.
  • When two creatures meet they can fight or mate.
  • If they fight, one of them will die.
  • If they mate then a new creature will appear that is a combination of their DNA.
  • Each simulation has a World and a set of initial creatures.
  • The world has obstacles and food. All Creatures can detect food when they get close enough to it. What they do about it depends on their DNA.

The deadline

All pull requests should be sent before the end of Friday the 2nd of March 2018.