Updown control is similar to regular SPIN control, except Updown can contain more than 1 scrollable part.
For example, if Updown control contains DATE value, say "NOV 03,2020", a user can scroll months, days and years separately.
Similarly, if Updown control contains TIME value, say "07:44 PM", a user can scroll hours, minutes and 12-hour mark separately.
Instead of typing a text a user selects required value with down and up arrows or mouse wheel. A navigation between different parts of a control is performed by left and right arrows or mouse click.
The package contains a set of classes and a template.
There are several control types from the box.
- DATE: supported all date formats except @D17 and @D18.
- TIME: supported all time formats except @T7 and @T8.
- RGB: color selector with 3 separated values (red, green, blue).
- Choice: a list of predefined values.
The demo shows DATE and TIME controls with different formats, RGB controls, and Weekday control.
The demo can be downloaded here.
- CW8 and newer
- ABC and Clarion template chain
- No extra libraries