
This is a project that aims to answer the big question of pineapples on pizza

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the files used for the CS 129.1 Project of Mikee Jazmines, Cher Panlilio, and Leina Santiago for the School Year 2017-2018.

This README will contain two methods on how to achieve the results.

  • The first method uses docker. It will replicate, import, map reduce, then shard in the end.
  • The second methos uses mongodb. It can do everything that docker does, however, we were unable to make the sharding work for this method.

Big Data Problem

Given tweets regarding pineapple on pizza, how many users believe that pineapple should or should not belong on pizza?


How to retrieve the data set

Initially, the group wanted to use the API of twitter to retrieve the data set, however, twitter’s API allows the user to scrape tweets within 7 days only. To acquire a better data set, we used a twitterscraper found on github by taspinar. It can be found here: https://github.com/taspinar/twitterscraper . Instructions can be found there as to how to use install and use the twitterscraper.

Description of the Data Set

The following phrases were used as a datasource:

  1. Positive:
    a) “I like pineapples on pizza”
  2. Negative:
    a) “I don’t like pineapples on pizza”
    b) “I do not like pineapples on pizza”

Tweets will be scraped and the following data will be taken from each tweet:

  1. Username and Full Name
  2. Tweet-id
  3. Tweet text
  4. Tweet timestamp
  5. No. of likes
  6. No. of replies
  7. No. of retweets

Note: Each like and each retweet of a tweet may also be recorded to see how many people agree with the tweet

Docker Method

The complete code can be found in the dockerMethod.txt file.

Start mongo and create a network

docker pull mongo
docker network create pizza

Create the replicate sets

docker run --name mongo1 -d --network pizza --hostname mongo1 mongo --replSet pizza --shardsvr --port 27017
docker run --name mongo2 -d --network pizza --hostname mongo2 mongo --replSet pizza --shardsvr --port 27017
docker run --name mongo3 -d --network pizza --hostname mongo3 mongo --replSet pizza --shardsvr --port 27017

Set up the configuration for the mongo container

docker exec -it mongo1 mongo
var cfg = {
		"_id" : "pizza",
		"version" : 1,
		"members" : [
				"_id" : 0,
				"host" : "mongo1:27017",
				"priority" : 1
				"_id" : 1,
				"host" : "mongo2:27017",
				"priority" : 0
				"_id" : 2,
				"host" : "mongo3:27017",
				"priority" : 0

The container should become the primary container after.

Import the files into the db

docker cp like2016.json mongo1:/
docker cp like2017.json mongo1:/
docker cp dislike2016.json mongo1:/
docker cp dislike2017.json mongo1:/
docker cp 2016donot.json mongo1:/
docker cp donot2017.json mongo1:/
docker exec -it mongo1 bash
mongoimport --db pizza --collection like --type json --file like2016.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection like --type json --file like2017.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file dislike2016.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file dislike2017.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file 2016donot.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file donot2017.json --jsonArray

Remove the dislikes from the like database

use pizza
db.like.remove({text:{$in: [/do not like/,/don’t like/, /if you like/,/if you do not like/, /if you don’t like/, /does not belong on pizza/]}},{_id:0, user:1, text:1})

Test the replication

You can test if it replicated successfully by using these codes. Ensure that you are using the mongo2 container, so exit from the mongo1 container first.

docker exec -it mongo2 mongo
use pizza

Map Reduce

To do the map reduce, copy paste the code found in the mapreduce.js file.


Create a config server

docker run --name config1 -d --network pizza --hostname config1 mongo --configsvr --port 27017 --replSet configset

Configure the server

docker exec -it config1 mongo
var cfg = {
		"_id" : "configset",
		"version" : 1,
		"members" : [
			"_id" : 0,
			"host" : "config1:27017",
			"priority" : 1

Check the status to see if there is no errors


Create a shard and a mongos instance

docker run --name shard1 -d --network pizza --hostname shard1 mongo --shardsvr --port 27017
docker run --name mongos -d --network pizza --hostname mongos --entrypoint /usr/bin/mongos mongo --configdb "configset/config1:27017"

Create a shard and an index

docker exec -it mongos mongo
db.settings.save( { _id:"chunksize", value: 1 } )
use pizza
db.like.createIndex({_id: 1})
sh.shardCollection("pizza.like",{_id: 1})
// Check the status

Check if the sharding was successful

docker exec -it shard1 mongo
use pizza
docker exec -it mongo1 mongo
use pizza

MongoDB Method

The complete code can be found in the MongoDBMethod.txt file.

Create a folder for sharding, as well as subfolders for the config server and shard nodes

mkdir sharding
cd sharding
mkdir config1 config2 node2 node1

Create a Config Server Replica set

Start each member of the Config Server Replica Set, run each line on a different terminal

mongod --configsvr --replSet config --dbpath config1 --bind_ip localhost --port 27013
mongod --configsvr --replSet config --dbpath config2 --bind_ip localhost --port 27014

Connect a mongo shell to one of the config servers on a different terminal

mongo --host localhost --port 27014

Initiate the Replica Set in the mongo shell

    _id : "config",
    members: [
      { _id : 1, host : "" }

Add a Secondary in the mongo shell


Importing data

mongoimport --db pizza --collection like --type json --file /data/seeds/like2016.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection like --type json --file /data/seeds/like2017.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file /data/seeds/dislike2016.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file /data/seeds/dislike2017.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file /data/seeds/donot2017.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db pizza --collection dislike --type json --file /data/seeds/2016donot.json --jsonArray

Create the Shard Replica Sets

Start each member of the Shard Replica Set, run each line on a different terminal

mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard1 --dbpath node1 --bind_ip localhost --port 27015
mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard2 --dbpath node2 --bind_ip localhost --port 27016

Connect a mongo shell to a member of the shard replica set on a different terminal

mongo --host localhost --port 27016

Initiate the shard replica set in the mongo shell

    _id : 'shard',
    members: [
      { _id : 1, host : "localhost:27016" }

Add a Secondary in the mongo shell


Connect a mongos to the sharded cluster on a different terminal

mongos --configdb config/, --bind_ip localhost --port 27010

Connect a mongo shell to the mongos on a different terminal

mongo --host localhost --port 27010

On the mongo shell, add shards to the cluster

sh.addShard( "shard/localhost:27015")
sh.addShard( "shard/localhost:27016")

Enable sharding for the database -- pizza


log in to the database

use pineapplepizza

Create a collection -- pineapplepizza


Create an Index for the collection

db.pineapplepizza.createIndex({id:1}, {unique: true})

Shard the collection

sh.shardCollection("pizza.pineapplepizza", { _id : "hashed" } )

NOTE: This was done using Mongodb 3.4, where having replicates of the sharded nodes was necessary. Therefore, the sharding is not functioning.

To clean docker

docker stop shard1 config1 mongo1 mongo2 mongo3 mongos
docker rm shard1 config1 mongo1 mongo2 mongo3 mongos

To clean everything in docker itself

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)