
Welcome to the Open Government Platform repository! You'll find here a growing set of open source, open government platform code that allows any city, organization, or government to create an open data site. Below you'll see the first code for a data management system. This is a joint effort between the governments of India and the U.S. to promote open government, transparency, citizen engagement, and to engage application developers to together improve these efforts.

Primary LanguagePHP

Installation Instructions

1.  Refer to webapp/core/INSTALL.txt file for server requirements.

2.  Copy contents under webapp/core to the web server's document root
    directory. Make sure .htaccess file is copied.

3.  Copy webapp/sites directory to web server's document root.

4.  Create a new database in MySQL.

5.  Load data from a SQL file found under db/development into the
    new database.

6.  Copy webapp/sites/default/default.settings.php file as
    webapp/sites/default/settings.php and update the
    database connection settings.  (Line 91)

7.  Create a symbolic link in webapp/sites directory with the name of
    the server (e.g., www.example.gov) to 'dgib_dms' directory.

8.  Default Drupal administration username and password is:
    Username: admin
    Password: password!