An shopping cart app built with AngularJS, Bootstrap, and the Etsy API
This project was created to fulfill an assignment for The Iron Yard Charleston's Front-End Engineering course. The original assignment text is below:
Week 8, Day 3
Crafty Crafty Cart - Use what we've learned to built a pseudo-ecommerce app!
Description Crafty Cart will be a pseudo-eCommerce application you create using 3rd party data from Etsy
Learning Objectives After completing this assignment, you should…
Understand the basic flow of an angular application Demonstrate ability to use multiple controllers and services in angular Demonstrating understanding of MVC concepts with Angular Views, Routes, Controllers, and Factory Services. Able to integrate 3rd party data using api
Normal Mode Congratulations! You've recently come into some time to bootstrap your (our) new idea. We're going to build a Crafty eCommerce Solution that sources artisans from around the globe and sells their wares. Like many startups with good ideas, we have no data - so we need to integrate Etsy's api for products.
Crafty Cart needs to have 3 Views A Product listing View Each product will have the following in listing a buy/add to cart button photo title link back to etsy product (view on etsy) The listing page will need filtering functionality for the following attributes title price Product Detail View Detail view will only have user selected product all the above data is required, but additionally show Description show materials used use larger image A shopping cart view This view will house the items that have been added to cart. you can design how you want, but you will need to have a running total of items in cart, in addition to quantity and title of product. users should be able to remove items from cart