
Deploys ACME Fitness application across different environments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Demo of ACME Fitness Shop

Getting Started

These instructions will allow you to run entire ACME Fitness Shop


Based on the type of deployment the requirements will vary

  1. docker-compose - Needs docker-compose version 1.23.1+
  2. kubernetes
  3. AWS Fargate

Other deployment modes coming soon


Acmeshop Architecture

TL;DR for deploying to k8s

Install Spring Cloud Gateway for kubernetes before running the following command.

echo 'password=<value>' > kubernetes-manifests/.env.secret
kustomize build kubernetes-manifests/ | kubectl apply -f -

Note: <value> can be any value. It will be the password used by the deployed apps to access the deployed databases.

To visit the site, you may port-forward the gateway service:

kubectl port-forward service/gateway-acme 8080:80

Or add a DNS record to either a DNS registry or in your local /etc/hosts:

<your.ingress.ip.address>   gateway-acme.spring.animalrescue.online

If you'd like to use API portal for VMware Tanzu to view all the endpoints, you will need to install API portal with api-portal-server.sourceUrls: "http://scg-operator.spring-cloud-gateway/openapi" set in the helm values. The gateway resource assumes API portal is using the URL http://api-portal.spring.animalrescue.online. To create an Ingress resource for your API portal with this URL, you may run:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/api-portal-ingress.yaml # Assuming API portal is installed in `api-portal` namespace.

We deploy to acme-fitness namespace by default (kustomize will create that namespace as well). If you prefer a different namespace, you may change it in kubernetes-manifests/kustomization.yaml.


  1. Clone this repository

  2. You will notice the following directory structure

├── README.md
├── acmeshop.png
├── aws-fargate
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── acme-fitness-shop.yaml
│   └── cf-template.png
├── docker-compose
│   ├── README.md
│   └── docker-compose.yml
├── kubernetes-manifests
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── gateway.yaml*
│   ├── api-portal-ingress.yaml*
│   ├── cart-redis-total.yaml
│   ├── cart-total.yaml
│   ├── cart-gateway-config.yaml*
│   ├── catalog-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
│   ├── catalog-db-total.yaml
│   ├── catalog-total.yaml
│   ├── catalog-v2-total.yaml
│   ├── catalog-gateway-config.yaml*
│   ├── frontend-total.yaml*
│   ├── frontend-gateway-config.yaml*
│   ├── order-db-total.yaml
│   ├── order-total.yaml
│   ├── order-gateway-config.yaml*
│   ├── payment-total.yaml
│   ├── users-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
│   ├── users-db-total.yaml
│   ├── users-total.yaml*
│   └── users-gateway-config.yaml*
└── traffic-generator
    ├── README.md
    ├── locustfile.py
    └── requirements.txt

The files marked with * are updated to work with Spring Cloud Gateway and API portal.

  1. Switch to the appropriate directory for deployment

Additional Info

The traffic-generator is based on locust and can be used to create various traffic patterns, if you need it for other demos associated with Monitoring and Observability.