
A Kotlin/SpringBoot based Slack bot that can archive inactive Slack channels.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Kotlin/SpringBoot Archive Channels Slack Bot

Build status: build status


  • Archive all channels that do not have a minimum number of members on a cron schedule. Optionally you can post a message to the channel before it is archived.

  • Archive channels that are stale. A stale channel means that the channel hasn't had a message posted in a certain number of days. This number of days is configurable via an environment variable.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. ./gradlew build to make sure tests are green.
  3. Code.


The following environment variables are required:

  • SLACK_TOKEN - you must use an API key for a regular Slack user account. You cannot use a bot user account, because bot users don't have permission to archive channels.

  • SLACK_ARCHIVE_EMPTY_CHANNEL_SCHEDULE - 6 field cron pattern. For example, 0 0 1 * * ? is 1am UTC every day of the week. See Quartz documentation for examples of cron schedule strings.


The following environment variables are optional:

  • SLACK_SERVER - defaults to slack.com
  • SLACK_MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS - Threshold for archiving channels. Defaults to 1, which will only archive empty channels.
  • SLACK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE - message to send to any archived channels. See Slack message builder for help crafting a message.
  • SLACK_DAYS_SINCE_LAST_MESSAGE - Number of days since last message to consider a channel stale. Defaults to 30.

Deployment to Cloud Foundry

NOTE: You need a version of the CF CLI that allows the -u flag to allow the manifest to turn the healthcheck off. Manifest tested with cf version 6.18.1+a1103f0-2016-05-24.

For the first time:

$ cf push -f cf-manifest.yml -p <pathToJar> --no-start
$ cf set-env archive-slack-channels SLACK_ARCHIVE_EMPTY_CHANNEL_SCHEDULE <someCronSchedule>
$ cf set-env archive-slack-channels SLACK_ARCHIVE_STALE_CHANNEL_SCHEDULE <someCronSchedule>
$ cf set-env archive-slack-channels SLACK_TOKEN <someSlackToken>
$ cf start archive-slack-channels

The rest of the time:

$ cf push -f cf-manifest.yml -p <pathToJar>