
Create Azure Resources

  1. Create an Event Hubs Namespace
    • Pricing Tier: Basic
    • Throughput Units: 20
  2. Create an Event Hub
    • Name: test
  3. Create a VM
    • Region: Same as Event Hubs Namespace
    • Image: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
    • Size: DS3_v2 (4 cores, 14 GB RAM)
    • Inbound Port Rules: Allow SSH
    • OS Disk Type: Standard HDD
  4. SSH to VM
  5. Install Docker

Build and Run Benchmarks

  1. SSH to VM
  2. export "EVENT_HUBS_CONNECTION_STRING=<your-connection-string>"
  3. cd to desired benchmark directory
  4. Run ./build.sh to create docker image
  5. Run ./run.sh --help to view command-line parameters
  6. Run ./run.sh -p 1 -c 1 (with desired parameters) to run test