
iOS social app

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS E-Learning app with feed, course, chat, search, profile page.

  1. Feed page
    • Users can see the posts (blog, image, video)
    • Users can like/unlike, add comment to the post.
  2. Course page
    • Users can see the packs of the videos
    • Users can see all the videos of a certain pack after pay for it.
  3. Chat page
    • Users can find other online users.
    • Users can have realtime chat.
    • Users can send text, image, location through chat.
  4. Search page
    • Users can create group or be a member of the group.
    • Users can search by group or username
  5. Profile page
    • Users can follow/unfollow other users
    • Edit profile

Backend is developed with Node.js and Postgres. All images and videos are stored to AWS S3 Bucket. Chat is implemented with Firebase.