
Ruby gem for interacting with the official Product Hunt API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

hunting_season Build Status

hunting_season is a ruby gem for interacting with the official Product Hunt API.


hunting_season can use any valid API token. Sources include:

  1. A Developer Token generated in the Product Hunt API Dashboard.

  2. A client OAuth token as generated by oauth#token - Ask for client level token.

  3. A user OAuth token as generated by oauth#authorize - Ask for access grant code on behalf of the user. See the omniauth-producthunt gem for an Omniauth strategy that may work (I haven't tested it yet).

When you have a valid token, simply instantiate the ProductHunt::Client as follows:

client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')

Supported Endpoints

hunting_season is a work-in-progress, please contribute if you need additional functionality.

Look up today's posts.

Post attributes are listed in the API docs and accessed like post["name"], post["id"], etc.


client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')

posts = client.posts
posts.size       # -> 14
posts[0]["name"] # -> "Content Marketing Stack"
posts[0]["id"]   # -> 30425

Look up all posts.

Post attributes are listed in the API docs and accessed like post["name"], post["id"], etc.


client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')

posts = client.all_posts(per_page: 1, order: 'asc')
posts[0]["name"] # -> "Ferro"
posts[0]["id"]   # -> 3

Look up a post using a required numeric ID.

Post attributes are listed in the API docs and accessed like post["name"], post["id"], etc.


client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')

post = client.post(3372)
# => "namevine"
# => 3372

Look up a post's votes, with optional ordering and pagination.

Post attributes are listed in the API docs and accessed like vote["user"], vote["id"], etc.

Example, look up a post's votes and paginate through them in ascending order:

client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')
post = client.post(3372)

votes = post.votes(per_page: 2, order: 'asc')
# => 46164
"#{votes[0]["user"]["name"]} #{votes[0]["user"]["headline"]}"
# => "Jack Smith  Co-Founded Vungle - Advisor to Coin"

votes_page_2 = post.votes(per_page: 2, order: 'asc', newer: votes.last["id"])
# => 46242
"#{votes_page_2[0]["user"]["name"]} #{votes_page_2[0]["user"]["headline"]}"
# => "Helen Crozier Keyboard Karma"

Get all users using ordering and pagination as noted in the official API docs.


client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')

users = client.users(order: 'asc')
users.first["name"] # -> "Nathan Bashaw"
users.first["headline"] # -> "Working on something new :)"
users.first["id"] # -> 1

Look up a user by username or id.

User attributes are listed in the API docs and accessed like user["name"], user["headline"], etc.


client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')
user = client.user('rrhoover')
# => "Ryan Hoover"
# => "Product Hunt"

Look up a post's comments, with optional ordering and pagination.

Example, look up a post's comments and paginate through them in ascending order:

client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')
post = client.post(3372)

comments = post.comments(per_page: 2, order: 'asc')
# => 11378
"#{comments[0]["user"]["name"]}: #{comments[0]["body"]}"
# => "Andreas Klinger: fair point but not using thesaurus nor having the ..."

comments_page_2 = post.comments(per_page: 2, order: 'asc', newer: comments.last["id"])
# => 11558
"#{comments_page_2[0]["user"]["name"]}: #{comments_page_2[0]["body"]}"
# => "Mike Jarema: Namevine developer here -- feel free to ask any Qs about ..."

Accessing associated records

For some API responses, an ID reference to or partial details for an associated User or Post are supplied. hunting_season provides convenience methods to access the full details of these associated records.

Currently #post and #user apply when the associated record is present.


comment = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken').post(3372).comments(order: 'asc').first

user_hash = comment["user"]   # this will access the partial user details embedded in the response to the #comments call above
# => Hash
# => "Andreas Klinger"

user_object = comment.user    # this will make a separate call to pull the full details of the user who commented
# => ProductHunt::User
# => "Andreas Klinger"

post_object = comment.post    # likewise for the associated post, this will pull full details of the post on which a comment was made via an additional API call
# => ProductHunt::Post
# => "namevine"

ETAG Support

You can retrieve the etag for any call by calling #etag against the returned object or collection:

client = ProductHunt::Client.new('mytoken')
post = client.post(3372)
etag = post.etag

You then can leverage Product Hunt's API support to increase performance by passing this etag on subsequent requests. If a record has NOT changed, it will respond to #modified? with false.

post = client.post(3372, headers: { 'If-None-Match': etag }) # pass as custom header
post = client.post(3372, etag: etag)                         # OR explicitly

if post.modified?
  # do something with the modified post
  # the post remains unmodified, trying to access any attributes on this object will raise an exception


There are two ways to run tests:

  1. bundle exec rake which stubs out all of the calls to Product Hunt's API to local files.

  2. TOKEN=mytoken USE_LIVE_API=true bundle exec rake which runs tests against live data from the Product Hunt API using your developer token.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add new functionality, relevant tests and update the README if applicable
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


Legal: see LICENSE

The name is inspired by a rapper buddy of mine: Katchphraze - Huntin' Season 🎧

Copyright (c) 2014 Mike Jarema