
🍕 Server side of Fridge Savant built with Node Express and MongoDB. An app that lets users make the most of their fridge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About || Run the server || Our Tech Stack || Meet the Team


Designed to inspire creativity in the kitchen when your fridge looks bare, the app makes decision making easier when it comes to meal times. By encouraging you to use up the ingredients you have to hand, Fridge Savant helps you to reduce food waste, and so manage your budget better.


The team made the decision to have a very common client-server type architecture. As you are reading information here about the server side of the application, you will also have to run the client side written in React. You can find the client-side application here.


$ git clone git@github.com:mikejeuga/fridge-savant-server.git
$ cd fridge-savant-server
$ npm run server

Navigate on port:5000.

Build Status

Tech Stack


  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

Testing Framework:

Client end:

  • Jest

Server side:

  • Jest
  • Postman

Design and Approach

Project Management

User stories

As a User
So that I can find new recipes,
I want to be able to list the ingredients from my fridge.
As a User
So that I can find more recipes,
I want to be able to add ingredients to my existing list.
As a User
So that I can refine my recipe search,
I want to be able to remove ingredients from my existing list.
As a User
So that I can have tailored experience,
I want to be able to have a personal profile.
As a User
So that I can be social,
I want to be able to share recipes on social media platforms.
As a User
So that I don't have to search again a recipe,
I want to be able to bookmark my favourite dishes.
As a User
So that I can have cook quickly or share again,
I want to be able to see my favourite dishes.


Design mock up

MVP sequence diagram

Project Goals

  • Make the best out of what is left in the fridge.
  • Learn a new tech stack (MERN) as we build.
  • Keeping a 95% test coverage.
  • Have fun.

