Tennis Club API

1 - An endpoint for registering a new player into the club

a. The only required data for registration is the player's first name and last name, nationality and the date of birth.

b. No two players of the same first name and last name can be added.

c. Players must be at least 16 years old to be able to enter the club.

d. Each newly registered player should start with the score of 1200 points for the purpose of the ranking.

2 - An endpoint listing all players in the club

a. It should be possible to list only players of particular nationality and/or rank name or all players.

b. The list should contain the following information for every player:

i. the current position in the whole ranking
ii. first and last name
iii. age
iv. nationality
v. rank name
vi. points

c. The players should be ordered by points (descending)

i. The unranked players should also be ordered by points (descending) but should appear at the bottom of the list, below all other ranks

3 - An endpoint for registering a match that has been played

a. It should require providing the winner and the loser of the match.

b. The loser givers the winner 10% of his points from before the match (rounded down).

i. For Example, if Luca (1000 points) wins a match against Brendan (900 points)
    Luca should end up with 1090 points after the game and Brendan with 810.
ii. If Daniel (700 points) wins a match against James (1200 points), Daniel should end up with 820 points afterthe game and James with 1080

c. The business logic behind calculating new player scores after a match should be unit-test.

The code should be as readable and as well-organised as possible. Add any other information and/or extra validation for the above endpoints as you deem necessary.

Rank Points
Unranked (The player has played less than 3 games)
Bronze 0 - 2999
Silver 3000 - 4999
Gold 5000 - 9999
Supersonic Legend 10000 - no limit