
HCI-Slack is a set of Django Slack apps used by our HCI research sub-group at ECS (http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/). They're all bundled into one project here, but you can easily separate them out if you wish.


General Requirements

HCI-Slack uses Redis for help entries, so you'll need Redis To Go or similar if you're on Heroku. It also requires a few environmental variables, shown below.

  • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - ingoing webhook URL
  • SLACK_GENERAL_CHAT - where work-related messages should go (i.e. help responses)
  • SLACK_RANDOM_CHAT - where non-work-related messages should go (i.e. added a track to jukebox)

Help Entries

Uses a Redis backend to store/retrieve useful information for the group (e.g. links to pages, conference details, etc).

#### Usage

  • /h <key> <value> - creates an entry in the help database (e.g. /h wiki This is our fantastic wiki: )
  • /h <key> - retrieves an entry from the help database (e.g. /h wiki)
  • /h list - lists all entry keys
  • /h rm <key> - removes an entry from the help database (e.g. /h rm wiki)

#### Required Environmental Variables

  • HELP_SLACK_TOKEN: Set this to the value provided by Slack when you create your slash command.

### Jukebox

Uses the Spotify API to add tracks to a shared playlist. This is based on the NodeJS project (https://github.com/benchmarkstudios/slackbox/) but ported over to Django. It requires much the same setup as slackbox: you need create an application on Spotify (https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications).

Once set up, you first need to head to http://yourapp.com/jukebox/authorise. This will store the token in /tmp/jukebox.json, which it'll try to reuse when you add tracks.

#### Usage

  • /jukebox <search> - e.g. /jukebox Creep. Adds the first search result to the playlist.

#### Required Environmental Variables

  • HELP_SLACK_TOKEN: Set this to the value provided by Slack when you create your slash command.
  • SPOTIFY_KEY: The Spotify app's client ID
  • SPOTIFY_SECRET: The Spotify app's secret
  • SPOTIFY_USERNAME: The user who owns the playlist
  • SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_ID: The ID of the playlist that you're sharing
  • SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI: Should be http://yoursite.com/jukebox/callback


slack.utils has a utility function, send_message, which uses the incoming web hook to send a message as any bot, to any channel. The only required parameter is 'text', with username, icon_emoji, icon_url, channel, attachements, and unfurl_links all being optional.