npm install --save-dev mocha-param
- The tested value can now be included in the description for each test.
- Optionally use require('mocha-param') rather than require('mocha-param').itParam;
Simply use 'itParam' instead of the standard mocha 'it' function and pass in an array of data.
var itParam = require('mocha-param');
// We have used chai as an assertion library but you can use any.
var expect = require('chai').expect;
// A Simple sync example taking an array as a parameter.
// 'value' is each value in the array
describe("basic mocha test with data", function () {
itParam("test value is a number", [1, 2, 3], function (value) {
basic mocha test with data
✓ test value is a number
✓ test value is a number
✓ test value is a number
3 passing (25ms)
To display the values being passed into your tests, use "${value}" as part of the test description.
describe("basic mocha test with data", function () {
itParam("test value ${value} is a number", [1, 2, 3], function (value) {
basic mocha test with data
✓ test value 1 is a number
✓ test value 2 is a number
✓ test value 3 is a number
3 passing (25ms)
Standard async mocha tests take a 'done' parameter which is called when execution is finished. mocha-param works the same.
// A Simple async example taking an array and calling done()
// 'value' each value in the array
// 'done' is the standard mocha done callback
describe("async mocha test with data", function () {
itParam("test value ${value} is a number", [1, 2, 3], function (done, value) {
async mocha test with data
✓ test value 1 is a number
✓ test value 2 is a number
✓ test value 3 is a number
3 passing (17ms)
The array can contain anything that you like. Nested values to be displayed in the test description can be accessed with ${value.<property>}
var myData = [{ name: 'rob', age: 23 }, { name: 'sally', age: 29 }];
describe("test that person objects are older than 20", function () {
itParam("test person ${} (age ${value.age}) in the array", myData, function (person) {
test that person objects are older than 20
✓ test person rob (age 23) in the array
✓ test person sally (age 29) in the array
2 passing (14ms)