
The only prerequisite is conda.

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/mikekatz04/LDC-waveform-generation-tutorial.git
    cd LDC-waveform-generation-tutorial
  2. Setup the conda environment:

    conda create -n tutor_env -c conda-forge clang_osx-64 clangxx_osx-64 wget gsl fftw lapack=3.6.1 hdf5 numpy Cython scipy jupyter ipython  matplotlib python=3.7 --yes

    If on Linux instead of MACOSX, substitute clang_osx-64 and clangxx_osx-64 with gcc_linux-64 and gxx_linux-64.

  3. Activate the environment:

    conda activate tutor_env
  4. To run install:

    bash setup.sh
  5. Open the notebook:

    jupyter notebook Waveform\ Generation.ipynb