Rails Practice - Pair Bingo


  • bundle
  • rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
  • rails s

You can run specs with:

  • rspec

Note: email/password combinations for existing users populated by rake db:seed can be found in the db/seeds.rb file.


Users can track who they've paired with

As a user
When I login
And I click on the image of a colleague
Then I should be able to enter a date when I paired with them
(And I must enter a date)
And when I create the pairing then their image should appear grayed out
And the date I paired with the person should appear underneath the picture

If you've already paired with a person, their picture should not be clickable

As a user
When I login
And I have already paired with people
Then their grayed-out pictures should not be clickable

Users cannot enter a date in the future

When I go to create a pairing
Then I should not be able to enter a date in the future

When you pair with someone, the picture should appear grayed out and unclickable for them as well

As a user
When I login
And somebody else marked that they paired with me
Then their picture should appear grayed out and unclickable


Index page

New Pairing Page

NOTE: the url was left off intentionally, so you can figure it out.

New Pairing Page with Errors
