Rails Practice


  • bundle
  • rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
  • rails s

You can run specs with:

  • rspec

Note: email/password combinations for existing users populated by rake db:seed can be found in the db/seeds.rb file.


User can add a task

As a user
When I log in I should see a "new task" link next to each task list name
When I click that link, I should see a description field and a date field (w/ year / month / day dropdowns)
When I fill in a description and click "Create Task" I should see the task appear beneath the task list
And I should see a flash message that reads "Task was created successfully!"
Each task should have the due date represented in relative time

User must fill in description on all tasks

As a user
When I am adding a task
And I don't fill in the description field
And I press "Create Task"
Then I should see a message that reads "Your task could not be created" (in maroon)
And the label for the description field should be maroon.

Users can complete tasks

As a user
When I go to the task lists page I should see a button to "Complete" every task
When I press that button, the task should be removed from the page
NOTE: we don't want to delete tasks from the database - just hide completed tasks from users

Tasks must appear in order of their due date

As a user
When I create multiple tasks in a list
Then I should see them in chronological order

Task lists with empty tasks should show a friendly message

As a user
When I see a task list with no tasks
Then I should see a message that reads "Nothing here to see!"

Users should be able to assign tasks to users

As a user
When I create a new task
I can optionally add a user to the task
And when a user is assigned a task, I can see that user on the index page

Users can filter tasks assigned to a particular user from the index page

As a user
When I go to the homepage
And I select a user's name from a dropdown and click "filter"
Then I should see only tasks that are assigned to that user


Task lists page:

New task page:

New task page w/ errors:

Flash message:

New form with user:

Index page with filter:
